Wednesday, November 26, 2008

God's will be done

Everything that happens, happens for a reason. This has been said by many people to many people as a way to console or as an easy way to find acceptance to that which we have done or that which we could not control.

God is with us. He is with us as we do His will and He is with us when we make mistakes. He has granted us free will and He knows that we are capable and but also likely to fail in meeting His desires for our actions in this world. God also has a sense of humor about Him. He is amused by our belief, that we can control our destiny.

Our destiny is in His hands not ours. It is not for us to control but for us to openly obey His will and direction for our lives. God has created us in His image. He has given us a purity of spirit that we must continue to discover. The world around us is troublesome and it is hard at work attempting to pull us from Him. We can not allow ourselves to be caught up in the turmoil and the derisive actions of those who believe that they have control over the destiny of people. We are His and because we are His, no one, no nation and no other entity can take us from Him. He is and will be forever with us. We are His. We only need to let go of ourselves and to trust His will, to discover the grace and peace that He desires for all to experience. When we open our hearts and open our minds in prayer, He will guide us.

He has also given us free will so that we can experience the world around us through His eyes. When we use the tools of His creation, the talents and the abilities that He has blessed us with, we will then feel His presence. The gift of free will is given to us so that we can contrast and compare a world that is at one with Him versus a world that is alone and devoid of His presence. He has done this so that we can understand who we are and that which we are to be. Through this comparison, we can see the blessing of His work in us and in those He has chosen. As we look for theses examples we will see that His mercy and His love shines like a sun itself. The emotional and physical experience of His presence in the world strikes us with a clear understanding of who we are and how we are to conduct our lives. Without this comparison, we would not be able to fully grasp the magnitude of His glory and accept the gift of His forgiveness.
God chooses those He wants to be the examples of His presence. He guides those that He selects to be His messengers and to carry out His will. The glory comes when we learn that we are all chosen. What we don’t know yet is how He plans to use us or when we are to be called upon to do His work.

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