Monday, September 27, 2010

Our Responsibility

Our Responsibility

Today as we look out at the landscape of our faith life and our participation in the body of Christ we have to remember that it is with our eyes and our ears by which we receive the word and accept the Holy Spirit. So, why is it, that, we work so hard to ensure that our worship time on Sundays is exactly the way we remember it to be and the way by which we feel comfortable? We have already found our faith and yet we continue to look for strength and the love of God from that which we most familiar. To that point, we then expect others and our youth in particular to find their faith in the same place and in the same way we found ours. As we read the bible we know that even among us Christians, there are those who believe that one translation is more accurate than another. One translation that rings truer to our hearts than others, yet we also know that there is only one Bible. The translations are just a means to help different people, who have different modes of learning be able to recognize the true word of God. So, why do we expect our children to learn and grow in understanding from the exact same means that we did?

It is our obligation, it is our responsibility and it is our calling to bring the word of God to our children and in doing so we need to look beyond our comfort zones and use the words, media and communication methodology that is easy for them to understand and accept. We can not allow worship to be our time. We need to make it their time. Our time is in hand, we already know the love of Christ and we already know where and how to find God in our lives. It is time that we shed our self centered perspective and desires and open up the opportunities for others, in particular our young to find God. We must open the gateway and give permission for them to seek Him on their own terms and to find Him in ways that only they may understand. It is not about us. It is for them, that we need to prepare a place to find refuge, mercy and forgiveness that is Christ Jesus. We are His children, He spoke to us on our own level. Now we need to let go of ourselves so that those who follow will have what we have found. That the may find the joy and simplicity of life that comes from God the Father through the love, death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus.

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