Wednesday, February 18, 2009

An Experience of a Lifetime

An experience of a lifetime. That what it was/is. God had his hand on my life. He held it out and said there is more for you to do. By most accords and most people of knowledge, when I recorded a blood sugar level in access of 1100 (norm 100), I should have been dead or at very least in a coma. God held me together while he called upon others to guide me through the next 8 hours. I felt His presence many times in the past but this, this was something unique and different. I realized that I was not in control and that I had to completely let go and that the outcome would be of His choosing. I believe that He saved me so that I may continue to serve Him here. On a day when I was to assist at the funeral service of friend and fellow Stephen minister, I found myself in God’s palm not knowing if He will take me to Him or bring me forward to do His will.

For a length time now I have been trying to understand what, how and where to share His love with others. I have walked a path through personal, emotional and spiritual challenges in preparation for things yet to come. My experience this past weekend works to solidify the fact, that God is with me and Jesus is in me. I now need to take proper inventory of my faith and my commitment to the care and ministry that will match the talents that He has blessed me with.

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